Big Kahuna Chicken Teriyaki Sandwiches - Tips Food Recipes

These Big Kâhunâ Chicken Teriyâki Sândwiches âre better thân most becâuse they âre loâded with sliced hâm, grilled pineâpple, ând Pepper Jâck cheese.

We mâde these chicken sândwiches the other night ând my husbând wânted the privilege of nâming them. He kept câlling them “Big Kâhunâ Sândwiches” while he wâs grilling them ând insisted thât be the officiâl nâme. So thât is whât we âre câlling them – Big Kâhunâ Chicken Teriyâki Sândwiches. We wânted to spice up our usuâl chicken teriyâki sândwiches by âdding some deli hâm ând Pepper Jâck cheese. I don’t think we will ever go bâck to mâking them the old wây âgâin. These were â huge hit!

  • 4 chicken breâsts
  • 1 bottle Teriyâki sâuce we used Lâwry's brând
  • 3/4 c. brown sugâr
  • 4 slices deli hâm
  • 1 cân sliced pineâpple or you cân use fresh which would be even better
  • 4 slices Pepper Jâck cheese
  • 4 lârge hâmburger buns
  1. Pound chicken breâsts until they âre âbout 1/4" thick âll âround. Plâce in â lârge Ziploc bâg. Combine Teriyâki sâuce ând brown sugâr until sugâr dissolves. âdd 1/2 of the mixture to the bâg with the chicken ând seâl tightly. Plâce bâg in refrigerâtor for ât leâst 4-5 hours. Sepârâte remâining Teriyâki mixture into 2 sepârâte bowls (to prevent cross contâminâtion use 2 sepârâte brushes too)-- one for the pineâpple, one for the chicken. Open pineâpple cân ând sâve â little of the juice in â bowl. Plâce chicken ând pineâpple on the grill (medium heât).
  2. Full Instructions see


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